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Events Calendar

Monday 10 February

Irish Group(Special Interest Group)

Back to Basics – the essential resources for Irish Research

When: 7.30pm

Where: Online via Zoom

The Irish group meets regularly to share ideas, knowledge and skills related to Irish family history research. This session will focus on resources such as the Tithe Applotment records, Griffith’s Valuation, RC and C of I Church records, and the 1901 and 1911 Irish censuses.

Register here to attend this meeting via Zoom.

Please make sure you choose the correct date in the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can email the group convener to register.

To attend this meeting on Zoom you will need a computer with a webcam and microphone, and sufficient data allowance. Some experience using Zoom is also advised.

If you have any questions, or if you require assistance, please email the group convener or contact Genealogy SA by phone on 08 8272 4222.